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Support us

Every donation made to us takes us one step closer to achieving our vision of a world where all children have opportunities to develop their skills and talents and the chance to reach their full potential.

What will your gift do?

£11 could enable a preschooler to attend a Play Scheme for a year

£38 could provide a parent with 9 parenting workshops where they learn how to help their children thrive

£70 could provide air-time for 28 episodes of 'Lively Minds Together', our radio programme supporting parents to provide learning and care at home

You can donate online now via PayPal, JustGiving or the Charities Aid Foundation. Just click on the image to donate and change lives!

Donate with PayPal
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Other ways to donate

Click here for other ways to donate, including by bank transfer and by cheque.

Thank you - We are extremely grateful to all the individuals and organisations who have supported us. Please click here to see all our supporters.

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